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لیست به روز شده ی هیات دولتی هنگ کنگ

Financial Secretary’s Visit to Tehran in November 2016
Preliminary Delegation List of the
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

[Total : 44 delegates]

Government (Total: 10)


1. The Hon John TSANG Chun-wah, GBM, JP

The Financial Secretary

2. Mr Raymond WU Wai-man


Administrative Assistant to Financial Secretary

3. Mr Kirk YIP Hoi-ying

Press Secretary to Financial Secretary

4. Mr Enoch YUEN Ka-lok


Assistant Director-General of Trade and Industry

5. Ms Joanie FOK Yuen-ching

Principal Trade Officer, Trade and Industry Department

6. Mr Melvin NG Ka-hei

Assistant Secretary, Financial Secretary’s Office

7.  Mr Christopher CHOW Wing-tin

Trade Officer, Trade and Industry Department

8.  Ms Celine MOK Seen-ling

Assistant Trade Officer, Trade and Industry Department

9.  Ms Ivy TAM Ho-yi

Assistant Trade Officer, Trade and Industry Department

10.  Mr Tony CHENG Ping-hang

Information Officer (Photography), Information Services Department



Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) (Total : 7)

11.  Ms Margaret FONG

Executive Director

12.  Mr Perry FUNG

Regional Director, Middle East & Africa

13.  Mr Will LI

Senior Product Promotion Manager

14.  Mr Abed Al Aziz NASSER

Deputy Director, Middle East

15.  Miss Nicole LEUNG

Assistant Manager, Product Promotion Department

16.  Mr Wesley KWAN

Marketing Officer, Product Promotion Department

17.  Mr Sasidharan SUDHEESH

Marketing Executive, Dubai Office

Business (Total: 27)[By business sectors and in alphabetical order of company names]

Finance [4 delegates]

18.  Mr YUE Yi

Vice Chairman and Chief Executive, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

19.  Mrs Laura CHA

Chairman, Financial Services Development Council

20.  Mrs Sally WONG

Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Investment Funds Association

21.  Mr Steven CHAN

President, The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society


Information and Communications Technology [3 delegates]

22.  Dr LI Feng

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, China Mobile International Limited

23.  Dr Winnie TANG

Chairman, Esri Hong Kong Limited

24.  Mr Benney CHENG

Vice President, SAMENA & Oceania Region, PCCW Global

Infrastructure Development and Real Estate-related Services (IRES) [8 delegates]

25.  Mr Danny HUNG

Executive Director, China State Construction International Holdings Limited

26.  Mr Kevin O’BRIEN

Executive Director, Gammon Construction Limited

27.  Ms Ivy LEE

Principal Director, Leigh & Orange Limited

28.  Mr Ronald LIANG

Managing Director, LWK & Partners (HK) Limited

29.  Mr Alex LUSH

Executive Committee Member, The Association of Architectural Practices

30.  Mr David AU

Council Member, The Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong

31. Mr William ZEN

Chairman, Wai Kee Holdings Ltd

32. Dr LAM Kin-Chung

Chairman, Zhong Yang Group Holdings Limited


Logistics [4 delegates]

33. Mr Paul LOO

Director Corporate Development, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited

34. Mr James THOMPSON

Chairman, Crown Worldwide Holdings Limited

35. Mr Andy TSOI

Managing Director – Middle East & Africa, Hutchison Port Holdings Limited

36. Mr Jack SO

Chairman, The Airport Authority Hong Kong

Major Chambers and Others [7 delegates]

37. Mr Jimmy KWOK

Deputy Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Industries

38.Mr Simon WONG

Chairman, Hong Kong Brand Development Council

39. Mr Aaron SHUM

Chief Secretary, Hong Kong Business Community Joint Conference

40. Mr David LIE

General Committee Member, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

41. Mr Benson PAU

Vice-Chairman, The Hong Kong Exporters’ Association

42. Prof Tony F CHAN

President, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

43. Mr Afshin LIVAR

Chairman, The Iranian Chamber of Commerce and Investment in Hong Kong and Macau

Tourism & Hospitality [1 delegate]

44. Ms Winnie CHIU

President, Dorsett Hospitality International Limited